Video taken from Laurent Bakery TikTok
While you’re all still GASPING for air over the RISE of Reesa Tessa and her VIRAL 50 part series “Who TF Did I Marry?”, let me introduce to you to Laurent Bakery in Melbourne & this BRILLIANTLY EXECUTED piece of social content 😍
The saying goes “audiences will forgive a poor quality video if the audio is high quality”, yeah, well, apparently they don’t care.
Obviously, if you’ve watched the content by now, You LITERALLY cannot hear a single word being spoken in the video.
I still maintain this is brilliantly executed.
The social manager for Laurent Bakery clearly knew the video would have been perfectly usable as a raw file - the audio actually was crisp (the crackling sound has been added purposefully), but they took a chance, added the sound and the video has racked up:
🔖 15.9K saves
Reviewing their TikTok account (all 35 pieces of content), Laurent Bakery generally post relatively decent content. A lot of it is skewed towards “meme-able” hospitality moments paired with trending audio and a focus on their team to bring the audio to life.
Funnily enough, never about their products…except for this post.
The content works, not just because it fits in with their overall content strategy (“meme-able” moments), but gives a brand that’s been around since 1993 a fresh & albeit interesting way to be part of a platform & talk to a community of people where they expect to see brands attempting to “jump on a trend”. IMO, they nail it.
Their instagram is filled with typical “food porn” and product, location focused content that you’d expect to find at a bakery that’s been around for 30 years. It’s great. It’s fit for channel.
All in all, Laurent Bakery have nailed their TikTok content.